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Van de Redactie | 18-10-2004 | Article Rating | (0) reacties

WBT Systems houdt succesvol forum in Dublin.

Dublin, Ireland, October 18, 2004 –
WBT Systems, one of the leading providers of enterprise e-learning solutions in the world, has just concluded its Best Practice Forum in Dublin. The event saw record attendances with increases three fold on the previous year and participation from world leading companies in the US, Canada, UK, China, Russia, Chile, Sweden, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

The Forum featured a comprehensive agenda of 15 sessions including client success stories from Volvo CE (Sweden), Bayer Healthcare (US), Valero Energy Corporation (US), Innovatia (Canada), Husqvarna (Sweden) and BI Worldwide (US). A panel discussion of leading analysts and futurists examined what lies ahead in the 3 to 5 year timeframe for learning, performance and knowledge management solutions and how they might impact organizations. The analyst community was represented by leading groups including Gartner, SRI Consulting, eLearnity and Dynamic Knowledge. A Solutions Pavilion featuring complementary solutions from WBT partners provided a networking opportunity for WBT customers and partners.

The conference kicked off with an address by WBT System’s CEO, Declan Kelly who reviewed the major achievements of the last year. This included

- ICT Company of the Year award for 2004
- Leader status in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Learning Management System (LMS) and e-Learning Suites
- First Place at the HR Technology Awards in San Francisco for e-learning platform solutions

This was followed by the keynote address from Jim Lundy, VP of Research at the Gartner Group, who explored the theme “Advanced e-Learning: Transform Training and Transform your Enterprise”.

Duncan Lennox, CTO of WBT Systems, discussed how leading companies are leveraging e-learning as a strategic driver of key objectives rather than simply as a way to train people at lower cost. Used creatively, e-learning and Human Capital Development can deliver tremendous results to organizations and help move them further along the path towards the end goal of the “Intelligent Enterprise”.

As he wrapped up the conference, Declan Kelly said “This has been a fantastic event for WBT Systems. The conference broke new ground in identifying and implementing best practices and processes to deliver a higher level of workforce performance and risk management. We believe our industry is at the cusp of tremendous opportunity to directly impact line of business performance. We will continue to invest in developing “Best Practice” capabilities in our product suite, services and methodologies to enable organizations attain their business goals and power the “Intelligent Enterprise”.

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