
Een overzicht van nieuwsbericht van onze redactie en aanbieders die zich hebben aangesloten bij

Van de Redactie | 04-07-2004 | Article Rating | (0) reacties


London, UK, June 30 2004 – SkillSoft PLC (NASDAQ: SKIL):
UK-based Edvantage group today purchased the Benelux distribution rights for the entire SkillSoft portfolio of e-learning courses and referenceware products.

The deal follows Edvantage’s acquisition of SkillSoft’s Swedish distribution rights in August 2003. Thomas Berglund, CEO and co-founder of Edvantage group comments:
“SkillSoft is renowned worldwide for the breadth, quality and interoperability of its e-learning portfolio. We have worked with SkillSoft for many years and hope to emulate the success we have enjoyed in the Nordic region since taking over its Swedish operations.

“This latest acquisition will enhance our ability to assist our customers both in the Benelux region and across Europe to develop the business and IT skills of their employees.”
Kevin Young, managing director of SkillSoft, EMEA adds:
“The decision to transition part of our Benelux operations to Edvantage group is in line with our strategy of going to market in specific European regions through a partner network. Our partner selection process is rigorous and we only partner with best-of-breed organisations, having first established that they can demonstrate the strongest understanding of the local, regional and cultural issues facing organisations in their regions.

“This business model has proved to be the most effective way to provide the highest level of service to our international client base whilst also resulting in solid year-on-year revenue growth for the company. Edvantage group was able to fulfil our criteria and has committed to invest in additional resources to meet the needs of our customers. We look forward to working closely with Edvantage and our Benelux customers to ensure continued success and future growth.”

To ensure continuity for SkillSoft’s customers in the region, the company’s key representatives, have already transferred to Edvantage.

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