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Van de Redactie | 22-11-2002 | Article Rating | (0) reacties

Union Pacific Chugging Along With e-learning Initiative

ARLINGTON, Va., October 30, 2002-Union Pacific Railroad has consolidated its training activities onto one platform to further enhance its quality control, safety, compliance, and production offerings. Plateau Systems has climbed on board with its Plateau 4 learning management system (LMS) to coordinate the classroom and Web-based learning offerings for Union's 48,000 employees.

"We are proud to work with one of the nation's largest transportation companies as it takes an innovative approach to the education and development of its enterprise," says Paul Sparta, Plateau chairman and CEO.

As with any e-learning directive, this move will help reduce Union's training and associated travel costs and will also manage and track employee participation in its various training offerings, whether required or optional. Plateau's LMS keeps a time-stamped audit trail of training events and alerts employees by e-mail when they need to receive training updates following a procedural change as well as notifying them when a specific certification they hold is about to expire unless they receive continuing education.

Union Pacific Railroad, the largest subsidiary of Union Pacific Corp., has more than 33,000 miles of railway in 23 states. Its widely distributed workforce makes training a logistical nightmare, particularly for updates that, taken individually, might be minor in size but not scope.

The Plateau 4 LMS is being integrated with PeopleSoft's Human Resources Information System to generate learning development plans and to assess the training needs of Union employees. The company is using Plateau to improve its career development offerings to interested associates.

The Plateau 4 LMS launches and tracks both online and offline learning events and is constructed on an open J2EE/EJB architecture.

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