Een overzicht van nieuwsbericht van onze redactie en aanbieders die zich hebben aangesloten bij
When MIT's exciting OpenCourseWare (MIT OCW) initiative was announced in April 2001, we were gratified by the tremendous number of messages we have received from people all over the world. The correspondence we received was overwhelmingly positive and supportive of the MIT OCW concept. So it is with a sense of gratitude and anticipation that we would like to notify you that the pilot Web site of the MIT OCW initiative, featuring the course materials that support MIT Faculty in the classroom, opened to the public on Monday, September 30, 2002. Please go to, and read the left-hand Navigation Bar to find what courses are available at this time. Because MIT OCW is not a distance-learning, or a degree-granting, initiative, there is no registration process required for users to view course materials. MIT OCW is available on the Web, free of charge, to any user anywhere in the world. MIT OCW is not intended as a substitute for instructor-led university education, and it does not replace or attempt to replicate the classroom interactions -- between student and faculty, and student and student -- that are the hallmark of an MIT education. We envision many different uses of MIT OCW. Faculty at other institutions may adapt materials for their own courses, and students or individual learners may supplement their learning resources with MIT OCW materials. We are certain users will find innovative ways that we have not yet thought of to take advantage of MIT OCW. MIT is working hard to publish all its course materials through the OCW initiative. Over time, we expect that virtually all of MIT's subjects will be available. We continually strive to improve our processes for collecting, enhancing, and publishing course materials, and we anticipate that new systems and procedures will allow us to accelerate our pace of publication in the future. We are still in the pilot phase of MIT OCW. As we discover more about the challenges and possibilities of MIT OCW, the Web site and its course materials will continue to grow and evolve. By the end of this calendar year, we plan on offering a monthly, online MIT OCW newsletter that would offer our users information about the latest course offerings, links to MIT OCW in the news, and other information our users would find useful and interesting. If you would be interested in receiving such a newsletter, please type the word "NEWSLETTER" in the Subject Line and reply to this message.
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Helma van den Berg van Let's Learn! beluisterde de bijdrage van Jeanne Bakker aan de podcastserie BrainBakery. Bakker vertelde over de bedreiging en kansen die we nu en in de toekomst van AI kunnen verwachten. In de podcast sprak zij haar verwachtingen uit voor de toekomst van AI in leren. Helma is het met haar eens. Zoals de gedachte om AI voor gepersonaliseerd leren te gebruiken.