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Van de Redactie | 11-02-2002 | Article Rating | (0) reacties

Nieuwe leeroplossing van SmartForce

SmartForce Launches Virtual Sales University SolutionSet
Configurable SolutionSet designed to drive competitive advantage by increasing sales force productivity

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. February 11, 2002 SmartForce (Nasdaq: SMTF), the world largest e-Learning company today announced the launch of its Virtual Sales University (VSU) SolutionSet for the development of sales professionals. Available in the first quarter of 2002, the VSU SolutionSet is targeted toward helping companies to drive business growth and competitive advantage through greater sales force productivity.

The VSU SolutionSet meets a critical business need as companies are charged with consistently and efficiently educating their sales forces and channel sales partners and keeping them up to date on new products, company vision, sales strategies, processes and product launch information. The traditional instructor-led training (ILT) approach tends to be geographically limiting, time consuming, and often results in delayed or outdated information. The time it takes to train sales reps effectively using traditional methods can negatively impact a company s revenue. For example, the time to competency for a sales rep may take as much as six to nine months from date of hire to becoming profitable with traditional training methods. A six-month delay in getting a product to market can seriously decrease the lifetime profits of a product. The Virtual Sales University SolutionSet, which can be used in concert with traditional methods, can help companies drive revenue by significantly decreasing time-to-productivity for sales reps and by accelerating product launches.

With almost two decades of experience in the learning industry and in transforming its own sales force and business, SmartForce developed the VSU SolutionSet to address the challenges companies face when training their sales organizations. It includes proven sales process training content from, acquired by SmartForce in August 2001, which brings to the SolutionSet deep expertise in meeting the requirements of successful and profitable sales organizations.

Through the VSU SolutionSet, companies can immediately leverage the benefits of e-Learning for achieving significant results such as driving competitive advantage, expanding globally and accelerating product launches. The SolutionSet accomplishes this by developing the core competencies of the sales organization, increasing productivity through skilled sales professionals and by ramping new hires faster. SmartForce s global platform delivers consistent messages, sales strategy and vision and enables companies to replicate best practices throughout their organizations. This allows companies to educate their sales forces on specific products and accelerate the time necessary to bring those products to market.

SmartForce s comprehensive global infrastructure delivers the core elements of an effective solution including custom and generic content; platform technologies such as learning, content and competency management; and services such as systems integration. The Virtual Sales University SolutionSet covers topics relevant to one-to-two call sales cycles representatives, territorial and strategic account sales as well as vertical market industry knowledge, salesforce automation (SFA), customer relationship management (CRM) systems and desktop skills, product and process knowledge, and core sales skills. Because in-house expertise and peer-to-peer and expert coaching are essential to the learning process, the SolutionSet provides collaboration tools in the form of virtual classrooms, real-time mentoring with experts and chat sessions. SmartForce also provides services for aligning e-Learning initiatives with business strategy and for customizing the SolutionSet to address specific business issues.

"The Virtual Sales University SolutionSet addresses sales productivity, which is a specific and tangible business concern of many organizations," says Michael Brennan, IDC senior analyst. "Well-targeted offerings such as this make it easier for organizations to realize the benefits of e-Learning. By helping address such pain points effectively, vendors such as SmartForce are providing a foundation for customers to use e-Learning across their organizations to achieve measurable business results."

As companies manage change in their organizations, increasing productivity and driving growth require a significant transfer of knowledge to sales professionals when and where they need it most, said Greg Priest, chairman and CEO of SmartForce. The SmartForce Virtual Sales University SolutionSet enables the sales process and directly helps companies to achieve tangible business goals by consistently distributing knowledge in the context that is relevant to their businesses and to their objectives.

About SmartForce:
SmartForce, the world"s largest e-Learning company, provides integrated enterprise e-Learning solutions. SmartForce e-Learning is a comprehensive application infrastructure to support e-Learning initiatives in enterprises globally. Encompassing the largest body of e-Learning content in the world, and a fully integrated student environment, learning management system and a range of custom content creation and publication tools, SmartForce e-Learning provides the architecture that global enterprises are using today to implement e-Learning strategies to support their critical strategic business initiatives. With more than 2,500 major corporate customers, SmartForce e-Learning solutions bring the power of the Internet to the critical training business process. SmartForce is quoted on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol SMTF. The company, which has more than 1,800 employees worldwide, has corporate headquarters at 900 Chesapeake Drive, Redwood City, Calif., 94063. Phone: 650-817-5900. Fax: 650-817-5061. Web site:

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