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Van de Redactie | 17-01-2002 | Article Rating | (0) reacties

IntraLearn and SkillView Close Skills Gap for Mid-size Companies with Affordable Human Resource Management

IntraLearn Software Corporation, the leading supplier of configurable e-learning applications for mid-size enterprises, and SkillView Technologies, Inc., a premier provider of skills management software, introduced today the latest version of IntraLearn e-360. By integrating skills management and e-Learning, IntraLearn and SkillView have combined two superior technologies to produce a single, field-installable application with a price mid-size organizations can afford.

e-360 integrates everything an enterprise needs for a complete online training solution: a powerful e-Learning platform with built-in assessments and content creation tools, sophisticated skills management software and the ability to run industry-standard courseware. The software offers companies an affordable way to assess where they need training and provide the interactive online learning environment to deliver it.

“IntraLearn and SkillView have changed the formula for corporate training. e-360 makes the critical link between skills needs and online courses seamless and affordable to the 300,000 midmarket companies previously left out of the e-Learning revolution because of the exorbitant costs of customized solutions. We are committed to extending e-Learning beyond the Fortune 1000 and into the mainstream. The IntraLearn e-360 application costs many, many times less than similar solutions. It is also the only off-the-shelf e-Learning application approved on the Microsoft platform and sold through resellers." said Peter Banhazl, executive vice president, IntraLearn Software Corporation.

Skillbridge Integration
The cornerstone of IntraLearn e-360 is the integration of SkillView`s Enterprise skills management application. SkillBridge, as it is known within the e360 product, is a powerful decision-support tool helping companies identify skill gaps, promote career and skills development, evaluate workforce proficiencies, and perform skill-set and resume searches.

"Through SkillBridge, IntraLearn e-360 aligns a company`s corporate objectives with the learning needs of its employees and partners. Companies gain a competitive edge with faster time-to-market, better supply chain communication and a well-trained workforce, as well as greater return on their training investments," said Hank Riehl, Founder, SkillView. "The essence of the SkillBridge application is the creation of a decision-support data repository that compares employees` declared proficiencies in certain skills with expected or desired proficiencies established for each job in an organization. This identifies `skill gaps` which can be addressed by courses delivered through the integrated IntraLearn e-Learning platform. Course recommendations and auto-enrollment are part of the package."

About IntraLearn Software Corporation
IntraLearn Software Corporation was founded in 1994 with headquarters in Northboro, MA IntraLearn is the leading supplier of configurable e-learning applications for midsize enterprises. IntraLearn is distributed worldwide through authorized IntraLearn resellers and learning service providers to more than 450 major organizations serving 2.5 million learners, including in Europe, Portugal Telecom, Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, Heineken, Clifford Chance, Alexander Forbes, Banco Espirito Santo, Banco Cardine, Banco Svizzera Italiana. Since it began trading in February 2001, IntraLearn (Europe) Ltd has recruited over a dozen sales partners across Europe and seen sales volumes increase each quarter.

IntraLearn is a trademark of IntraLearn Software Corporation. Other brands and products are trademarks of their respective owners.

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Van Let’s Learn! 09-10-2023

Retentie en AI

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