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Van Marcel de Leeuwe (redactie) | 05-08-2013 | Article Rating | (2) reacties

LeaderMOOC start op 8 september

LeaderMOOC start op 8 september

Bert De Coutere start vanuit het ‘Center for Creative Leadership’ een speciale MOOC over leiderschap.

LeaderMOOC in Canvas network

Bert De Coutere organiseert van 8 september t/m 3 november 2013 de MOOC Leadership for Real.

Deze cursus wordt uitgevoerd in het platform. Het valt me op dat in deze omgeving afwijkende onderwerpen aan bod komen in vergelijking met andere MOOC platformen. Wat te denken van MOOCs zoals:

  • Statistics in Education for Mere Mortals
  • Enhancing Patient Safety through Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
  • Introduction to Elements of Pain
  • Task-based Language Teaching with Digital Tools

Het valt me op dat er erg veel educatieve onderwerpen zijn met een originele insteek. Mooie aanvulling op andere platformen!

Beschrijving MOOC

Great leaders are made, not born. Whether you’re a student, a young eager employee, an experienced professional ready for the next step in your career, a recent manager just starting to lead others, or someone passionate about making an impact on your community, you too can benefit from leadership development!

Leadership development is a journey, and LeaderMOOC will set you on your way!

Do you know:
  • Why leadership is important in today’s world? 
  • What the fundamental four capabilities of leaders are? 
  • How to develop a leadership mindset and be seen as a leader by others? 
  • How to lead while staying true to yourself? 
  • What neuroscience can teach you about becoming a more impactful (and less stressed) leader? 
  • How to influence people in your network effectively? 
  • How to apply leadership lessons back in the workplace or community through “tiny” goals? 
LeaderMOOC builds on the latest research from the Center for Creative Leadership on the “fundamental four” leadership capabilities needed for success: Self-awareness, Learning Agility, Influence, and Communication. In addition (and to our knowledge unique to this MOOC…) you will vote on one additional area you would like to explore.

The emphasis throughout is “leadership for real”—rather than an academic approach you will discover, for each topic, something essential about your own leadership strengths and challenges as well as how to translate these insights into real situations in the workplace and community.


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Hoe waardeert u deze bijdrage?

Van | 05-08-2013
Ben benieuwd naar deze cursus, en ben van plan deze (deels) te gaan volgen om deze manier van leren te zien.
Marcel de Leeuwe (redactie)
Van Marcel de Leeuwe (redactie) | 05-08-2013
Ja, de organisator/ontwerper is in ieder geval iemand die ik erg goed vind. Misschien is het ook nog een optie om de MOOC over e-Learning van de OU mee te doen?

Hartelijke groeten,

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Van Let’s Learn! 09-10-2023

Retentie en AI

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