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Van Sibrenne Wagenaar | 02-10-2019 | Article Rating | (0) reacties

Aanloop naar het webinar met Harold Jarche op 9 oktober

Een kleine leuke opdracht


Leuk dat je meedoet aan de webinarreeks over knowmadisch werken. Het eerste webinar is met Harold Jarche (woensdag 9 oktober om 20.00 uur) en met hem kijken we naar de vraag: hoe zorg ik dat ik relevant en up-to-date blijf als professional?

Het belooft een interactief uur te worden. Om al wat in het onderwerp te komen hebben we een korte opdracht voor je. Je kunt de opdracht voor jezelf doen, en je mag het delen als je dat wilt. Dat kan je hier onder doen. 

We zullen in het webinar bij de opdracht stilstaan. Zo’n opdracht kan ook al wat vragen opleveren die je voor Harold hebt. ‘Neem’ ze mee! 

Thinking about networks

One of the biggest obstacles in adapting to the Internet-enabled world of work is to stop thinking in terms of hierarchies and start thinking about networks. Asking, “What do you do for a living?” shows hierarchical thinking, as does “What is your job title?”. Network-centric questions would be, “What are you learning?” or “Who are you learning from?”. 

There is a real change in how work is getting done today. Many professionals whose work will be automated by software and robots. Creative work cannot be automated. In short 🙂 How can anyone learn and prepare for this world of work? We have to learn how to cooperate in networks. Start right now in engaging in diverse professional learning networks. Put yourself out there, for in this new world of work, you are only as good as your network. To stay engaged, you have to take control of your professional development. This is personal knowledge mastery (PKM).

Here is a basic structure. We can seek new ideas from our social networks and then filter them through more focused conversations with our communities of practice, where we have trusted relationships. We can make sense of these embryonic ideas by doing new things, either ourselves, or with our colleagues. We later share our creations, first with our teams and perhaps later with our communities of practice or even our networks. We use our understanding of our communities and networks to discern with whom and when to share our knowledge.

One difficult aspect of sharing cooperatively (as I define it) is that the benefits are usually long-term and not visible at first. This is how blogging works. After 15 years, it has immense value to me. At first, I gained little, and did it mostly as an online journal for myself. Now I see the long-term value.

@IntrepidTeacher – “Best advice I was ever given. “Let your network filter you. You just worry about sharing the things that you find valuable.”

Map your knowledge networks

This exercise is designed to help you look at your professional/personal (choose!) network in terms of diversity. There is no optimal type of diversity, but mapping your network may let you ask questions as to whether you are depending upon your knowledge from a narrow selection of experience and opinions.

By completing this assignment, you will see a small section of your network in terms of age, area of expertise and geography. This may help you identify biases that may affect how you learn and do your job. For example, do you have a tendency to go only to people who are accessible to you rather than to those who may have more relevant information? Consider other questions you might want to ask to determine the diversity of your network.

Okay, here we go…

List up to 4 names for each question. You may repeat names for different questions. Look back at the past few months …

  1. Who are the people with whom you have most frequently discussed matters important to you?
  2. Who are the people with whom you have most frequently communicated with in order to get your work done?
  3. Consider a new project/idea that you are promoting. Who are the people whom you would need to get approval, resources, and support for this project?
  4. Who are the main people with whom you have socialized informally?
  5. Who are the people you contact when you have a very complex work problem?
  6. Who do you approach for career/work advice, such as deciding to take or leave a job?
  7. Who do you ask to find out the latest in your profession/discipline?

Of a possible total of 28 people, how many different names do you have?


One step further?

If you like you can now examine the composition of your knowledge network. How many people match criteria like:

  • Age (older, younger than you, same age)
  • Organization (same team, other group, outside your organization)
  • Area of Expertise (same or different from yours)
  • Online and/or offline
  • Gender (same or different from yours)
  • Hierarchical position (same, below, above yours)
  • Geographical location (same office, city, different country)

Think about how you could make your network more diverse. 

Het bericht Aanloop naar het webinar met Harold Jarche op 9 oktober verscheen eerst op Ennuonline.

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